" Input: { data_uoa - data UOA of the script-containing entry (script_module_uoa) - module UOA of the script-containing entry ('script' by default) (prewrapper_lines) - lines of the environment-setting pre-wrapper (script_module_uoa) - module UOA of the script entry (keep_tmp_files) - "yes" will keep them, deleted otherwise (code) - Python script name (without .py) (func) - Python function name in this script (dict) - dict to pass to script (output_json_file) - filename to save the output dictionary into } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 (return_code) - script's return code } Test: ck _run_external script:debug @@@"{'prewrapper_lines': ['export CK_PYTHON=python3'], 'dict': {'alpha': 777}}" "